真 もわ爛漫


うみねこのMusic Modeが ONScripter on Linux で動かない件


ONScripterLabel_text.cpp の実装で

#define DLOG(a) ({printf("%s\n", (a)); fflush(stdout);})


void ONScripterLabel::drawGlyph( SDL_Surface *dst_surface, FontInfo *info, SDL_Color &color, char* text, int xy[2], bool shadow_flag, AnimationInfo *cache_info, SDL_Rect *clip, SDL_Rect &dst_rect )
    unsigned short unicode;
    if (IS_TWO_BYTE(text[0])){
        unsigned index = *1;
    TTF_GlyphMetrics( (TTF_Font*)info->ttf_font, unicode,
                      &minx, &maxx, &miny, &maxy, &advanced );
    //printf("min %d %d %d %d %d %d\n", minx, maxx, miny, maxy, advanced,TTF_FontAscent((TTF_Font*)info->ttf_font)  );
    DLOG("drawGlyph 3");
    // test
    static SDL_Color fcol={0xff, 0xff, 0xff}, bcol={0, 0, 0};
    // SDL_Surface *tmp_surface = renderGlyph( (TTF_Font*)info->ttf_font, unicode );
    SDL_Surface *tmp_surface = TTF_RenderGlyph_Shaded( (TTF_Font*)info->ttf_font, unicode, fcol, bcol );
    DLOG("drawGlyph 4");

    bool rotate_flag = false;
    if ( info->getTateyokoMode() == FontInfo::TATE_MODE && IS_ROTATION_REQUIRED(text) ) rotate_flag = true;

    dst_rect.x = xy[0] + minx;
    dst_rect.y = xy[1] + TTF_FontAscent((TTF_Font*)info->ttf_font) - maxy;
    if ( rotate_flag ) dst_rect.x += miny - minx;

    if ( info->getTateyokoMode() == FontInfo::TATE_MODE && IS_TRANSLATION_REQUIRED(text) ){
        dst_rect.x += info->font_size_xy[0]/2;
        dst_rect.y -= info->font_size_xy[0]/2;

    if ( shadow_flag ){
        dst_rect.x += shade_distance[0];
        dst_rect.y += shade_distance[1];

    if ( tmp_surface ){
        if (rotate_flag){
            dst_rect.w = tmp_surface->h;
            dst_rect.h = tmp_surface->w;
            dst_rect.w = tmp_surface->w;
            dst_rect.h = tmp_surface->h;

        if (cache_info)
            cache_info->blendBySurface( tmp_surface, dst_rect.x, dst_rect.y, color, clip, rotate_flag );

        if (dst_surface)
            alphaBlend32( dst_surface, dst_rect, tmp_surface, color, clip, rotate_flag );

        // test
        printf("refcount %d\n", tmp_surface->refcount);
        DLOG("drawGlyph 5");
        DLOG("drawGlyph 6");

"drawGlyph 6" が表示されないか、SDL_FreeSurface()の中で落ちる。

SDL_ttf 2.0.7:

Render the glyph for the UNICODE ch using font with fg color onto a new surface filled with the bg color, using the Shaded mode (see section Shaded). The caller (you!) is responsible for freeing any returned surface.

SDL_FreeSurface() を呼ぶのは正しい気がするんだがなー。

      • -


"SDL_Surface *tmp_surface = TTF_RenderGlyph_Shaded( (TTF_Font*)info->ttf_font, unicode, fcol, bcol );" の部分で TTF_RenderUNICODE_Shaded() を使うと問題ない。



*1:unsigned char*)text)[0]; index = index << 8 | ((unsigned char*)text)[1]; unicode = convSJIS2UTF16( index ); } else{ if ((text[0] & 0xe0) == 0xa0 || (text[0] & 0xe0) == 0xc0) unicode = ((unsigned char*)text)[0] - 0xa0 + 0xff60; else unicode = text[0]; } int minx, maxx, miny, maxy, advanced; #if 0 if (TTF_GetFontStyle( (TTF_Font*)info->ttf_font ) != (info->is_bold?TTF_STYLE_BOLD:TTF_STYLE_NORMAL) ) TTF_SetFontStyle( (TTF_Font*)info->ttf_font, (info->is_bold?TTF_STYLE_BOLD:TTF_STYLE_NORMAL